
The basic requirement is to have a Python environment with version >= 3.6. It is best to use a dedicated Python environment to install required dependencies. Miniconda is a good choice if one is not available.

Current supported operating systems:

The recommended method for installing rmc-discord is to utilize the Python Package Index (PyPI).

pip install rmc-discord

This will build the package and make the main executable rmc-discord available. IPython may also need to be installed via pip install ipython.

Windows installation

Encountering the error error: Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 is required when building on Windows with Anaconda or Miniconda may require Visual Studio.

  1. Navigate to and download the Community version.
  2. Open Visual Studio Installer, click Modify on the installed version, check Desktop development with C++, and install the default tools shown by clicking Modify.
  3. Relaunch Anaconda or Miniconda and try pip install rmc-discord again.

Encountering the error ValueError: numpy.ndarray size changed, may indicate binary incompatibility. Expected 88 from C header, got 80 from PyObject may require upgrading NumPy. Type pip install numpy -U to resolve the issue.

Alternatively, the program can be build directly from source.

Build from source

Download a copy of the source directory from the repository.

git clone

Create a conda environment for rmc-discord.

 conda create --name rmc-discord

Activate the rmc-discord environment.

conda activate rmc-discord

Next, install all dependencies by navigating to the cloned rmc-discord repository and updating with environment.yml.

conda env update --file environment.yml --name rmc-discord

After installing all dependencies, the repository is built with

python build_ext --inplace

The package can then be installed into the Python environment.

pip install -e .

Running the program

The program utilizes OpenMP parallelism and simply typing rmc-discord in the terminal will launch the program with up to 8 threads.

The number of threads can also be manually adjusted by passing in an integer argument to the program.

rmc-discord 4

Specifying too many threads may lead to unexpected slowdowns.

Running the tests

The tests can also be optionally run using pytest.

python -m pytest --pyargs disorder