Kagome – magnetic

The classical Heisenberg kagome antiferromagnet is a simple example of a magnetic system with a geometrically frustrated lattice. Using the forward Monte Carlo method, the Hamiltonian

\[E=-J\sum_{\langle i,j\rangle}\pmb{S}_i\cdot\pmb{S}_j\]

is used to describe the nearest neighbor antiferromagnetic interactions where the interaction strength is less than zero (\(J<0\)). The spin vectors \(\pmb{S}\) of the \(\mathrm{Ho^{3+}}\) ions are free to be oriented in any direction.

Example of kagome lattice with magnetic disorder

The spin-pair correlations of an \(8\times8\times8\) supercell are obtained from a forward Monte Carlo simulation. The first nearest neighbors are clearly antiferromagnetic while the second and third are ferromagnetic with the second being more strongly correlated than the third.

Kagome-magnetic correlations
Spin-pair correlations

The diffuse scattering intensity is calculated over a range of -6 to 6 in each \(h\)-, \(k\)-, and \(l\)-direction with a bin size of 0.04 in each dimension. Averaging is done over 20 independent forward Monte Carlo simulations to improve the statistics.

Kagome-magnetic intensity
Diffuse scattering intensity

RMC refinement

Setup, run, and analyze a refinement with magnetic disorder.

Crystal tab

Create a supercell for magnetic refinement.

Kagome GUI crystal tab
Crystal tab

Intensity tab

Preprocess intensity obtained from forward Monte Carlo.

Kagome GUI intensity tab
Intensity tab

Refinement tab

Perform the refinement.

Kagome GUI refinement tab
Refinement tab

Correlations tab

Calculate three-dimensional spin-pair correlations.

Kagome GUI correlations tab
Correlations tab

Recalculation tab

Recalculate the intensity over the initial reciprocal space volume.

Kagome GUI recalculation tab
Recalculation tab